The Gulf Nova Scotia Fleet Planning Board
These organizations represent over 500 Core Licence Holders. Since its creation, the GNSFPB has been very active and the organization has benefitted its members. The GNSFPB is a member organization of the Lobster Council of Canada, Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters, the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters’ Federation, the Nova Scotia New Brunswick Lobster Eco-Certification Society (MSC), and the Nova Scotia Fishing Safety Association, among others.
Who We Are
MISSION: The purpose of the Gulf Nova Scotia Fleet Planning Board (FPB) is to represent accredited Gulf Nova Scotia Multi-Species Fishermen’s Organizations on broad-based issues of common concern and impact.
The FPB may promote, facilitate or advocate for specific species when and where appropriate, but will not be involved in matters pertaining to management of individual species. These are recognized to be the focus of individual species organizations. Topics considered to be “broad-based” and which may be addressed by the FPB include, but are not limited to: professionalization, transportation, safety and training, environment, oil and gas exploration and development, and aboriginal issues. The Board may deal with groundfish and shrimp issues as they pertain to the licences held by the Gulf Nova Scotia Fleet Planning Board. The GNSFPB was created in 1997 and currently represents six accredited multi-species harvester organizations in the Gulf of Nova Scotia, including:
• Gulf Bonafide Fishermen’s Organization
• Gulf Nova Scotia Fishermen’s Coalition
• Inverness South Fishermen’s Association
• MFU Local 4
• Northumberland Fishermen’s Association
• North of Smokey Fishermen’s Association